Thank you for stopping by my page and leaving your thoughts and prayers for us. While I know we are not updating our page as much as we would like, we still enjoy it.

Thank you so much!

A Mommy, A Wife, A Full Time Employee who loves to spend time with her family, camping on the weekends, cloth diapering, learning to be more eco friendly, and trying more organic products.


Coupon Mommy is currently on hold ro reviews and giveaways with all that is going on in with my daughter. Please email me at

Friday, March 13, 2009

Mail Delivery

This is all the mail that I got the last week. (Man I am such a slacker with posting stuff) but I did get a freebie coupon last week:
  • Free Country Bob's Sauce

    Here is my mail delivery for this week. I am excited I received the coupons for
  • Free Dr. Pepper
  • Free package of 8 0'clock bean coffee
  • Free Suave product
  • Money Exchange Card ($25)

I love the mail when there is such great freebies in them. :) How has your week been at the mail box?


Katie said...

Lots of free stuff - WOW - Saw you on Ring Around the Blog @ Sisterly Savings - I need some more free stuff!

Emily's Family said...