So, as a way to say I thank you for being a follower, I want to do a giveaway!!
I want to give away a $25 gift card for the winner to use at Bum Covered Diapers.
For this giveaway, you have to be a follower of my blog to enter, I will check to make sure.
MANDATORY: This will be a fun giveaway...Please leave one comment and tell me your most craziest, embarrassing, or wildest Cloth Diaper Blooper. If you don't have one, make it up!! Be creative... Only one comment per person.
You will have from Wednesday, December 15th until Thursday, December 31st to enter and make sure you are a follower of my blog. When the enter period closes, all Cloth Diaper Bloopers that entered will be sent to Melissa at Bum Covered Diapers who will chose the best Cloth Diaper Blooper and then her and I will review who she has chosen and then the winner of the Giveaway will be announced on Friday, January 15th. The winner will have 48 hours to claim their $25 gift card. Once the gift card is claimed, your prize of $25 will be available for use by January 30th.
Head on over to and check out their products. They will be fully stocked by January 30th when the winner will be ready to shop.
I am so excited about this Giveaway and couldn't wait to get this up, but I really just want to say THANK YOU. Bring some more of your friends over to get into this action.

our little babe is only 6 weeks old, so we havent had too many mishaps, but there were a couple of times that daddy forgot to put her diaper cover over her prefold! good thing mommy packed an extra one :)
my baby isnt ariving until march, so i dont have any crazy stories yet, but i can only imagine what to come! lol
I'm expecting my second son in Feb and this will be the first time we've cloth diapered. I'm really looking forward to it. Unfortunately I don't have a cloth diaper blooper but I hope that a disposable one might do.
My husband and I decided it was time to go out just the two of us after our son was born. We asked one of our friends to babysit for us (she was always so good with our son). She decided to watch him at her mom's house in case she had any problems. The night went wonderfully until we got back to her moms to pick up our son. Diapers had changed so much since our sitter was little (sticky tape vs. velcro) that they thought all the sticky tabs had dried on the diapers and wrapped our son is duct tape! Now if that's not a reason to switch to cloth (with snaps or obvious velcro) I don't know what is!
Oh I would love some of these. When I first bought my batch of diapers, i set up everything, washed them, folded them and was ready to use them, or so I thought.
I wrapped baby girl in her dippy and I was stuck. I completely forgot to get a fastener of some sort.
I tried to put some pants on, just so, but to no avail. It was a mess. Something about cloth diapers that are relaxing to my babies, they want to wet or mess it a lot...
Probably the funniest thing that has happened to us so far (after 3 months of cloth diapering) is that my husband was trying to put the baby's Bum Genius 3.0 on backwards. He was so frustrated about why it just wasn't fitting right. So he made me go through the diapers and tell him how they all go on--which is the front and which is the back!
I am a follower!
szogediek at yahoo dot com
Let me tell you a bit about my mishap. I started cloth diapering almost a year ago with gDiapers. Frankly, I started using them because I thought they were adorable. A few month into using them and much searching on the internet, I decided that I would try using cloth in them. It looked so easy or so I thought. I read how you could use "prefolds" in them and knew I had a few “old" burp cloths laying around from my older son and decided I would give it a try. I did a lot of research on how to fold them and thought I had everything down pat so, I grabbed the PF from the “bib” pile and placed it in DD gdiaper liner. Well, needless to say, minutes after putting the diaper on her, she pooped in it. I was so confused as to what I was suppose to do with it? I read everything about how to use them but nothing about how to clean them. I actually had to set the dirty cloth aside and go online to research how to clean the darn thing. LOL, I couldn't figure out why the darn thing wouldn't absorb any kind of liquid either. A little more research into cloth diapering itself revealed the answer. Apparently, using fabric sheets to "soften" the rough cloth for her dainty bum was NOT a good idea. I guess "all" that research I did about how to fold them would have come in a bit more handy had I read how to care for the cloth first. LOL
We have been cloth diapering for a little over a year. We started out using mostly prefolds. Then we moved onto pockets and then added fitteds to the mix. It has been hard for Hubby to keep up with the different styles.
So, we use mostly fitteds for overnight and soakers. Well, last week Hubby put the big girls soaker on the little one with a one size fitted on too loosely. In the morning we had one very gross crib, if you catch my drift. :)
Well, sometimes after changing a diaper, I lay it down on the ground meaning to take it to the diaper pail but end up getting distracted and don't always get to it right away. One time I left a number two diaper on the ground and forgot about it and went downstairs. Later, I heard a commotion upstairs and went to check it out. To my horror, I saw my chihuahua chowing down on the contents of the diaper. To make it worse, when I went to try and take it away from him, he growled, bared his teeth and ran away with the poop in his mouth. I've since learned to at least put the diaper on the toilet until I can get to them.
Hmm...I can't really think of anything except for forgetting to put a diaper cover over a fitted diaper. Several time I almost forgot to take my wet bag out of my diaper though, that could be really smelly!
jamie @ suburban saving
I don't really have that many funny cloth diaper stories, My husband makes some crazy combo's sometimes though. i think it's kind of funny that he always is putting wool over covers though. He wants to be extra secure.
57 at hotmail
I follow.
I've been cloth diapering for 7 years and I have tons of stories...choosing one is the hardest part...
I think I'll go for this one. Not for a weak stomach...
My eldest daughter was 3 and her sister was 1 1/2. We had bought these cute diapers for the 1 year old, with the hook and loop fasteners which we thought was a fabulous idea, because they are so similar to disposables and easy to put on and take off. Which was of course our problem. They ARE easier to take off.
My husband and I had been running around cleaning the house for visitors and were exhausted. We had been listening to the kids giggle and play in the livingroom while we cleaned the kitchen. We were finally done, and our guests would arrive soon. We noticed a horrible smell and stepped into the livingroom. Apparently in 2 minutes the 1.5 year old had managed to do a poop, take off her super easy fastener diaper and they had both decided to paint and decorate the entire livingroom. There was poop EVERYWHERE! Smeared on the walls, in all the nooks and crannies of the wicker basket, all over the toys and books and on the couch. It was the most disgusting thing I ever saw.
Needless to say, my husband quickly whisked the kids upstairs for a bath while I scrubbed the livingroom and called the guests to ask them to come over slightly later as we had a ...situation. It's easy to laugh about it now. Not so much at the time!
When I first started cloth diapering my daughter, I had no idea what I was doing. I started out using prefolds and covers, and the covers that I bought were entirely too big for her. But I put them on her anyway and we went out to dinner with my husband's family. While we were waiting for our food we began to smell something. My husband lifted the blanket off of the baby and there was poop everywhere! On her clothes, the blanket, the carseat, and tons of it! I learned really earlt to NEVER use a diaper that is too big!
When I first started cloth diapering, I used the microfiber inserts as liners. My daughter had sensitive skin. Needless to say she had multiple problems with diaper rashes! I thought that was the end for us. Luckily, thanks to the company and their blog's assistance, I figure out what to do. Now I know the difference among liners, inserts, & doublers :)
momof3dolls at hotmail dot com
I am a nubie to cloth diapering. I havn't had much experience but i will tell you what I imagine every time that I go into his room in the morning. My son LOVES to take off his pants during the night so I imagine walking into his room to find a completely naked little boy with poop art all on the walls....animals drawn on his sheets with poop, and poop smeared all on his crib....basically just poop EVERYWHERE!! THANKFULLY that has never happened and hopefully never will happen.....i have imagined it happening many times right before i go into his room to get him up and i am very....VERY...relieved that my imagination wasnt right :)
annamie2 at hotmail dot com
After 16 months, I have a more than a few mishaps and mostly the dirty kind!
G diapers that clogged our toliet the day after we brought my son home. And leaked every time we used them.
Being late for work because I thought he had pooped, but ended up pooping everywhere as soon as I took the diaper off.
Leaving a poopy diaper with in reach because I had to answer the phone at work, turning back around to see poop smeared on my son's face. (The only time I have gagged while cleaning up a diaper.)
Dropping a dirty diaper face down on the office floor.
My mom and sister-in-law using a fitted as a cover over a prefold at night.
When we had just started using cloth on my daughter I was excited to show them off to all my family. Luckily (?) she gave me the perfect opportunity by pooping in her diaper! I laid her down on the bed to change her, took her diaper off, and was taking my time showing the new one to my family before I put it on her. BIG MISTAKE!
Apparently she wasn't done pooping and she pooped ALL over me! It was so disgusting. And while I always carried extra clothes for her I hadn't brought anything for myself. To make matters worse this particular portion of the family has terrible taste in clothes and I ended up having to borrow some PJ pants that were bright orange with big colorful polkadots.
Lets see... little man is a huge soaker at night. THere was one night that I had to change him and his bedding twice in the middle of the night. once around 11:30pm and again around 2:30 am. Then I just brought him to my bed and he soaked my bed!! Crazy night!!
Another blooper of daddies is. When I had a bridal shower for my step-daughter my husband took little man to his brothers house. They left in a cloth diaper (dh wanted to use a disposable and I said ok, but he forgot to change into disposable). About 3 hours later dh came home and little man had the same diaper on. dh forgot to change him the whole time. Can't believe it held up so good.
I didn't start cloth diapering until my son was 10 months old. By then he had little poop balls instead of smushy poo. The first time I changed him in a public restroom I pulled the diaper out from under him and little poop balls rolled everywhere! I grabbed some toilet paper and picked them each up and flushed it. I was soooo glad to be the only one in the bathroom at the time!
During the summer, I would take my son for short walks around the neighborhood. I'd usually end up at my grandparents house since they live close, and one time, I wasn't expecting to be out more than a few minutes (so hot!!) so I didn't pack any diapers. Well, my son decided that was the time to have a massive blow out! So I changed him, but all I had to use for a "fresh diaper" was a gdiaper insert, a dirty thirsties cover (thanks to the blowout!), and napkins! It was entertaining, to say the least.
We never planned to cloth diaper our baby so when she turned 3 months and we decided to try cloth, we decided to ease our way into it. On the second day of trying cloth diapers, my husband changed her dirty diaper and put her in her swing for a nap. When she woke up, her whole outfit was wet, the swing was wet and my husband was in a very bad mood. He carried her to the changing table while complaining the whole way that cloth diapers are terrible and they leak and he is not a fan and on and on.
When he undressed her we discovered the problem- she wasn't wearing a diaper at all! We laughed and I told him that for the cloth diapers to work, she has to actually be wearing one.
After that incident we had a couple blow outs when she was wearing a disposable diaper so we decided to make the switch to cloth diapers full time. Now we have been using cloth for 2 months and we love it. I even overheard him trying to convince our neighbor's husband to switch to cloth. He told our neighbor that cloth diapers work better than disposables as long as you remember to put them on!
I haven't had any experience with cloth diapers on babies, but my friends puppy just went into heat. She is using diapers to catch the bleeding. She had to have a disposable on on the inside, and she is covering it with a cloth cover. You should see that puppy, it is hilarious!
Awesome! Our little girl is due in 4 weeks and I would love to try cloth diapering. Thanks :)
Having a 2 year old still in diapers, and twin newborns, I feel all I do is change diapers. A few weeks ago, I was trying to get everything ready for Christmas at our house, when I went to change some diapers. Somehow, I took off one dirty diaper, and put it on my other son (who was clean until this point) . Of course I didn't notice this for some time, because I know what color diapers they wear....
Well I don't get along with my MIL and I couldn't wait to be able to let her babysit my little one with clothes diapers. You know she is the typical MIL that know everything and we know nothing. But she never used clothes diapers so I was excited about this. We had planned our first date night away from our baby. This was hard enough to leave the baby but to leave it with her was the worst but the pleasure of her with the cloth diapers was what got us through it. Well we never heard from her the entire evening. I thought well I guess I didn't get that much pleasure out if it as I expected. But I did when I showed up. She told me that she was going to buy herself a few pampers to keep on hand because she can not do these cloth diapers. She said her bathroom is a mess and it is easier to roll it and throw it away. So I did excuse myself to use the bathroom to check it out and it was nasty. She still had to clean the cloths one. I wasn't offering. I just told her let me know when they are clean and I will get them. I am a devil!! I am even more excited my kids just didn't pee. That made my day to get her. By the way, I won't let her babysit baby number 2.
My husband is not a big fan of his Mother either. So I am not mean.
I have never used cloth diapers but am plannning to with our new spring baby. I would loveto have this to help me get started!
My fiance derrick was changing the insert in the diaper genie. We use it to put the extra poopies in. For those of you who don’t know, the diaper genie wraps disposable diapers in plastic like sausages. For us cloth users you can use it if you don't breastfeed your baby to empty the poopies in. Derrick finds this hilarious *eyeroll*.
Anyway, he decided to swing the diaper sausages in the air while singing Magical diaper genie, diaper genie. The bag then hit the ceiling fan showering the room in poop. Literally the
&*$% hit the fan! Of course, I "let" him clean up this mess. Do they ever grow up?
Following your blog publicly...Our biggest diaper blooper was when our little guy sprayed daddy in the face during changing time. Things were really flying!!!
I have never used clothe diaper but would love to try them, I was think off diaper blooper with out cloth and i remeber 2 with my old son. I was change Carter's diaper for the 1st time ever and husband was stand right next to me and my son managed to pee on my husbands had the first time ever.
another was when my son Carter at about age 1 was getting changed and he discovered that he could make himself pee so for about a month everytime someone changed him he would make himself pee on you. it was not a fun month.
I am expecting my first baby (a boy) soon. He is due Feb 10th but have been having contractions since 22 weeks and have been on bedrest since 24 weeks. I am now 34 weeks. As you can imagine, I have been battling bedrest boredom. I am planning on using cloth diapers on him and am going to use AIO, one-size, and pocket diapers for sure. I am also thinking about using some prefolds but don't currently have any. I was researching prefold diapers on-line one day and discovered a video on youtube that showed different ways to fold a prefold. I have a few burpcloths that are the prefold diaper type and decided that I wanted to try folding the prefold diaper to see how easy it would be. I didn't have a baby to try it on, but our nursery is Curious George themed with stuffed monkeys everywhere. I found a monkey that looked newborn sized and practiced folding the prefolds on it. My husband works nights and was sleeping but woke up to find me diapering a monkey:) He decided that my bedrest boredom had now made me crazy and in need of some help:) My newborn monkey is still sitting in the living room wearing a cloth diaper and one of my baby's onesies:)
We are totally pro cloth diapers. The one time we used disposables, we had a major blowout in the airport before we even got on the airplane. Hurrah for cloth! We're ready for the next size, so this will be helpful.
I'm currently cloth diapering my third son and we actually haven't had that many mishaps, thankfully! One that I can recall is when I brought my firstborn to the doc for a well-baby. I had done a diaper change and hadn't bothered to put the wrap on since I knew I'd have to undo it again. Well of course the doc picked him up and snuggled him just as he wet through the cloth diaper. Opps. Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite story had to be when we were having someone come to our house for profesional pictures. I had my daughter in cloth for naps and we NEVER, I mean NEVER had blowouts in them. Well that one day it got everywhere and I didn't check her until right when the photgrapher got there. It was the biggest mess to clean up, but oh well! Still worth it for me to have my kids wear cloth! :)
We've only been cloth diapering for 3 months and I'm excited my hubby jumped on board. We were at my moms for Christmas and he changed a poopy diaper on our daughter. He took it to the toilet to clean it off. After doing so he saw some "lint" on the rug and kicked it with his toe. Well needless to say it was poop and now was all over the rug and his sock. He tried to clean it up without anyone noticing :) Oops!
Aloha! Samantha Ziegler . payday loans
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