Thank you for stopping by my page and leaving your thoughts and prayers for us. While I know we are not updating our page as much as we would like, we still enjoy it.

Thank you so much!

A Mommy, A Wife, A Full Time Employee who loves to spend time with her family, camping on the weekends, cloth diapering, learning to be more eco friendly, and trying more organic products.


Coupon Mommy is currently on hold ro reviews and giveaways with all that is going on in with my daughter. Please email me at

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Baby B is Getting Better

We took her yesterday to the doctors again and she is on the mends.  She does have RSV and drainage in her ear, but the flu symptoms are finally getting better.  She was still fussy last night, but I think she is finally getting better!  Thank goodness!  I don't like when my girls get sick.  The doctors were overally worried about her being sick especially since she is an infant. So there was a major concern their.  We had lots of prayers said and it worked.  She is doing better!  She is a lot more smiles today! 

Anyway, I just wanted to give you all an update about how things are going. They had Sister E on Tammiflu so hopefully she stays strong and doesn't get the nasty mess. 

So, we are still on for the lovely nebulizer, but nothing we weren't used to since Sister E had to do it too!

Thank you all for your thoughts and wishes, they really meant a lot.  Sorry if things were delayed around here. 

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Lyn said...

I am glad she is on the mend! :)

Xenia said...

So glad to hear that things are better, what a relief for everyone!