Thank you for stopping by my page and leaving your thoughts and prayers for us. While I know we are not updating our page as much as we would like, we still enjoy it.

Thank you so much!

A Mommy, A Wife, A Full Time Employee who loves to spend time with her family, camping on the weekends, cloth diapering, learning to be more eco friendly, and trying more organic products.


Coupon Mommy is currently on hold ro reviews and giveaways with all that is going on in with my daughter. Please email me at

Friday, March 12, 2010

Conscious Children Clothes (Gaiababy) Giveaway Ending Today


Don't forget to enter into the Conscious Children Clothes (Gaiababy) Giveaway, it is ending today!!  This was such a fun giveaway, you won't want to miss it. 

Hey and guess what its Friday! So come on and enter, you know you want to.

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