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Thank you so much!

A Mommy, A Wife, A Full Time Employee who loves to spend time with her family, camping on the weekends, cloth diapering, learning to be more eco friendly, and trying more organic products.


Coupon Mommy is currently on hold ro reviews and giveaways with all that is going on in with my daughter. Please email me at

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Peanut Butter Balls Dipped in Chocolate Recipe


1 1/4 lbs. butter, softened at room temperature
3/4 lb. confectioners' sugar
1 c. crunchy peanut butter
Dash of salt

Mix all ingredients by hand. Roll into small balls. By the time you roll 150 balls, they should have a crusty-like feel on the outside, which is necessary prior to dipping.

Recommendation: Place these in the freezer which will help with the dipping!!

Enjoy!! We are going to make some of these tonight!


Stefanie said... 1

these sound beyond sinful! ...can I come over and try some...please!

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!

Stefanie from

(...stopped by from MBC...and now I'm following you)

Unknown said... 2

OMG - I remember making these when I was little - I'm absolutely trying these with my kids tomorrow! Happy Holidays!


alpinekleins said... 3

These sounds yummy and so easy - will have to give them a try!


Momstart said... 4

That sounds delicious. I love chocolate and peanut butter