Becca from A Quest for the Perfect Cloth Diaper gave me the sunshine award. Ahhh really thank you! I didn't deserve that. This is what she wrote: Shannon at Coupon Mommy of 2...Now 3. She has great giveaways and great reviews, but mostly she's just very real in her posts. She's also the most encouraging commenter I know. I always read the comments she leaves me and feel like I can do anything!!!
So here's the deal.
- Put the logos of the pictures you see above (both of them :-P) on your blog or within your post.
- Nominate at least 5-10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude.
- Link the nominees within your post.
- Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
Here are the people I nominate:
1. Although Becca gave me an award, I didn't feel I needed to return the favor just because, but I did return the award because she deserves the reward.

In my readings, I came across a wonderful blog! Her name is Becca and her blog is A Quest for the Perfect Cloth Diaper. I started to read her blogposts a couple of months ago and then followed her. She too is trying to find that perfect cloth diaper for her daughter. Well I also saw that she liked to sew...and I encouraged her to try to make her own. She started with inserts and then just recently started to make cloth diapers. So keep watching out for Becca, because she is going to get big here soon with her cloth diapers because she is doing an amazing job. You go girl.
2. Ginger over at Attention Target Shoppers, I love her Blog...
She was just recently hacked. WTH. Are people so sick you have to hack a blog. I mean seriously! Anyway, I love reading her blogs not only for the sense of saving money but because she is just such a sweetheart and keeps it real. Thank you Ginger for being you!
3. Autumn Beck over at All About Cloth Diapers talks about Cloth Diapers and the ins and outs.

I just love her blog for the simple fact that even if something bad happen with her diapers, she is honest and tells you about it. See that is how I am, I am going to tell you like it is and that is how it should be. Thanks Autumn! I enjoy getting your emails!
4. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Mass Hole Mommy!
5. And the last one that I want to mention here is The B Keeps Us Honest
So, if you haven't noticed yet, I have a theme here...:) The B Keeps Us Honest is a wonderful blog for reviews and giveaways and she also does Bloggers of the Week and who doesn't like to be recognized. It is so fun to be recognized!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy and thank you for being you!!

Awwwwww, thank you!!!!! You rock, sistah (that's how we say it 'round here). LOL!!!
Thanks for nominating me again :-) I'm so glad you enjoy what you read.
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