Thank you for stopping by my page and leaving your thoughts and prayers for us. While I know we are not updating our page as much as we would like, we still enjoy it.

Thank you so much!

A Mommy, A Wife, A Full Time Employee who loves to spend time with her family, camping on the weekends, cloth diapering, learning to be more eco friendly, and trying more organic products.


Coupon Mommy is currently on hold ro reviews and giveaways with all that is going on in with my daughter. Please email me at

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mommy is Exhausted

Last night was a really long night.  I know you all are thinking hey she used to stay up late every  night.  Well my husband just recently switch back to working days and when he was working nights, his mommy couldn't sleep at night.  I couldn't sleep because I felt like I had to watch after the house, listen for the sounds, make sure the kids were ok.  Something my husband does when he is home. Last week he was home each night with us and he was shocked to see some nights how early I had falled asleep.  This caused some slack on my blog, but hey I figure most of us are mommies here and definitly understand.  I am trying to get a lot of autoposts up like I have been doing so that I am ahead of things, but I need to get more autoposts up!

So, last week I caught up on some much needed sleep that I was needing. I guess I even shocked myself falling asleep so early.  Tried to watch the movie Couples Retreat with my husband and fell asleep.  We got it from Redbox so we kept it for two nights, but both nights I was out! 

Well last night I was wanting to fall asleep early!  I was tired and emotional with Baby B being sick with the flu. Well, it didn't work that way.  I hate that Baby B is sick and honestly it makes me sad that she got the flu and we have no idea where it came from and the worst part she is only 25 weeks today (5 months).  So the doctors are very concerned and are making us do some extra stuff.  Yesterday it was a big deal about "Should Baby B get to go home?" or "Should Baby B be admitted to the hospital?".  Well, after two of the doctors talked about it, it came down to the fact that Baby B is still eating, so they let her come home.  Thank goodness.

So, with giving nebulizer treatments every 2 hours, tylenol every 4 hours and giving her tammiflu when she hates to take any kind of medicine and constantly checking her temps, she had enough.  Last night she was fussy and nothing seemed to make her happy! She coughs and I want to cry for her because you can see it in her face that it hurts.

I ended up walking around for a good hour last night around 2AM and finally she knocked off to sleep.  I layed down on the bed every so easily and waited to see how she was going to do.  She stayed asleep.  I layed her on the bed and she was out for good and it seemed for the night.  I finally went down to sleep around 330AM and then waking up at 7AM due to the phone ringing checking on Baby B.

This morning we had to take her back to the doctor.  I dislike the weekends because they are so dang crazy there and you have to wait for quite some time.  She is happy with Baby B's progress and wants us to keep it up, but wants her back on Monday and does not want her at the sitters Monday.  So this Mommy has to take a day to stay with my Baby Girl.  I have to tell you this has been horrible, my other two kids have never had the flu, so it has definitly been concerning and quite bothersome to me that she had to be the one to get it and not DH or myself.

We will get through this, we always do. Thanks for the well wishes you all have left for Baby B.  Means a lot. 

Happy Saturday!

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x said...

Shannon, thinking of your Baby B. Hope she gets better soon. I know it is scary.

Anonymous said...

Hope she's better sooner than soon. That has to be such a drain on you. We feel so helpless when our little ones are sick. Take extra care of you, too.